Source Tag Deactivator
Best Results
Automated Industries has over 20 years of experience in EAS Service and Installation.
If you do not see what you are looking for then please contact us by sending us a quick e-mail or give us a call regarding your loss prevention needs.
Don’t know who to call or what to order? We have loss prevention specialist standing by.
We have hundreds of discounted, used EAS sensor security tags and equipment. Checkpoint and Sensormatic systems, deactivators, labels and tags.
Be Our Customer
In 2007 Automated Industries patented the source tag Deactivator.
Our deactivators can be very useful when used with your existing in counter power deactivators.
Deactivator Features
Some of our Deactivators many features are:
Brings the deactivator to the tag instead of fighting to get the tag to the deactivator!
No more need for expensive electronic deactivation! No more batteries or charging stations.
Automated Industries has 40 years of loss prevention expirience, call us today.
No more phasing problems with EAS equipment!
It is a light hand held, easy to use mobile unit! Has a long 10 foot coiled security lanyard!
The Worlds Best Deactivator
Our source tag Deactivator provides a new method of deactivating a security label on an item.
It is a light weight, small, easy to grasp device and has a 10 foot coiled lanyard. (The lanyard retracts to 5 inches, no messy cables!)There are no expensive electrical connections.
We have a wide variety of EAS options for your store.

When you have larger source tagged items that need to be deactivated, instead of trying to handle the larger items to the Deactivator you can easily bring the hand held Deactivator to the label to deactivate it.
We take pride in knowing that we have helped save you money.
7429 Caldwell Rd
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Main Number 262-662-0926
Fax Number 262-662-0928